Obstacle Removal

Ganesh Came to Be Regarded as the Remover of Obstacles

Monday, July 11, 2005

Strategic Plan

Looking at the Virginia Family Values PAC, you see a group that has really failed to leverage the web to impact debate on the issues. This failure is occurring despite the large amount of public attention and debate focused on issues important to them. Below are some highlights of VFVPAC's strengths and weaknesses.


The Virginia Family Values PAC is well positioned to impact debate in the Commonwealth of Virginia on social issues, particularly as these issues relate to the subjects of gay rights and sex education. VFVPAC has co-opted the "family values" label long used by their philosophical opponents. This bit of irony serves their message properly, as it demonstrates that not everyone agrees on the best definition for family values. It also dilutes the ability of its ideological opponents to monopolize favorable language on the issue.

Effectively neutralizing the social conservative block would go a long way in turning around the fortunes of Democrats in Virginia. In this way, VFVPAC is well positioned to serve as an organizing force, and could leverage its influence to gain financial or other (more tacit) support from the Democratic Party and progressive organizations. As a state-level organization, VFVPAC should be able to more effectively communicate with Virginians than a national organization that does not understand the political nuances of the Commonwealth. It is thus important that VFVPAC strive to be the public face on one side of these issues for Virginians.

It must be recognized, however, that this is an uphill climb. Demographic trends in Northern Virginia benefit VFVPAC by increasing the number of sympathetic Virginia voters, but the rural base of social conservatives is larger and more cohesive. VFVPAC faces the challenge of solidifying their base of support while not alienating mainstream Virginians by adopting too narrow a focus on divisive issues.

The fact that VFVPAC recognizes the need for an internet presence is a strength, but this isn't 1996, so it's not that much of a strength. Its quick and easy means for donating money or forwarding the URL to a friend are strong and should be better integrated. Just being online and taking donations is not enough to create a successful advocacy movement. The VFVPAC's online operation has much to improve upon.


Lack of clear, unmistakable, and understandable organizational objectives. The VFVPAC seems to focus its online efforts on the defeat of a handful of Delegates, but does not have a clear theme to any of its other activities and positions. You never want potential donors or volunteers to question what it is they are donating to, or why they would be needed to volunteer. It should be perfectly clear within seconds what the organizational objectives of VFVPAC are, but in its current state, discerning that is simply not possible.

The structural weakness detailed above leads to other weaknesses. The layout of the site is as aimless as the undefined organizational objectives. The layout is sloppy and ineffective, and does nothing to lead a visitor to crucial site areas that best align with the organization's strategic objectives.

The Blog is the primary content driver, and though a Blog is very important to this site, it should be only one component of fresh site content, and a component that highlights developments in other frequently updated content areas such as legislative action and news.

The site should be positioned for the long haul. It should focus more on maintaining registrants and volunteers. Now, only a newsletter option is offered, and that does nothing to foster the community atmosphere that is necessary to achieving coherent and lasting advocacy. VFVPAC should be the tool by which volunteer action is initiated, and there is currently no opportunity to volunteer. It should also prominently display features that allow visitors to forward the site or specific site content to sympathetic friends.


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