Obstacle Removal

Ganesh Came to Be Regarded as the Remover of Obstacles

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Watch Carefully

Last week, the House passed out of Committee campaign finance-related legislation. Interesting provisions include a ban on donations by foreign nationals to 527 organizations, new reporting requirements for 527s, and a clarifying definition of "public communication".

The bill applies much needed sunshine to 527s and their contributors, and makes a clear prohibition on foreign donations. But it leaves the influential groups free to operate as is their right under the first amendment. Progress.

The provision of greatest impact applies to the internet. In the definition of "Public Communication" under governing law, the bill adds: "Such term shall not include communications over the internet." Broad. Definitive. The kind of language that, if signed into law, will allow the internet to be the alpha medium of political activity.


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