Obstacle Removal

Ganesh Came to Be Regarded as the Remover of Obstacles

Monday, June 13, 2005


527s, created by the need for soft money to find a home, played a highly influential and involved role in the 2004 Presidential campaign.

Foreign contributions have long been prohibited by the regulatory apparatus that shapes American political fundraising activity.

There is an understanding (reflected in pending legislation banning donations by foreign nationals to 527s) that the law needs to be consistent in its prohibition of foreign influence on political activity.

The Clinton scandals of the late '90s were appalling examples of foreign involvement in our campaign process. It isn't the only recent example, as MoveOn.org and Wesley Clark were each briefly embroiled in controversy in 2003.

But is it advisable in today's networked world to firewall foreign contributions? Is it even possible? Global challenges inspire global passion. Is it right to exclude foreign nationals as well as foreign Nations?

For a country that largely believes in free trade, and was built on the free exchange of ideas, it is an interesting dilemma. Global terrorism, poverty, HIV/AIDS certainly pay no attention to borders.


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